I’ve hardly had a chance to think about Christmas, but, as you can see from my new photo gallery at the top of my site, I’m beginning to get into the festive mood.

I’ve compiled a list of books for my Christmas wish list, biographies are always a favourite as fact is stranger than fiction and I’m always fascinated by people’s lives, so here goes:

And a special one for the coffee table, The English Garden, by Ursula Buchan.

Reading more books was my only New Year resolution that I didn’t stick to this year, blogging was the main reason for that. Hopefully, this bundle of books will be too impossible to resist.

So what’s on your book list this Christmas? Do you have any recommendations that I might like?

P.S. I’ve just starting playing festive songs on my clarinet too, but have never been able to find the music for ‘In The Bleak Mid Winter’, if anyone has it, I would be very grateful if you could please send me a photocopy.