Former Cambridge Evening News colleague John Gaskell, later a Daily Telegraph scribe, as well as an amusing wit and generous party host, had mentioned to me that Ross Clark lived a stone’s throw from my home.
Whenever I visit the ancient kingdom of Reach, the village where Ross has set roots and is inspired to write great prose for The Spectator, The Times and The Sunday Telegraph, as well as author of the satire The Great Before, I wonder if our paths will cross. And last night they did.
I went to his local The Dyke’s End with hubby and friends Steve and Liz. I had visited recently with Liz at the end of an early spring five mile walk when we lunched and rested in front of the log fire and promised ourselves a return visit.
I breezed into the bar and asked about the village’s celebrity writer. Did Ross Clark ever pop in, I enquired? A vision of pink, owner Simon Owers, waved his arm in the direction of the far corner of the bar, and directed me to where Ross was sitting with his family. And, Simon chuckled, Dale Winton was upstairs too!
How could I resist introducing myself to Ross? We naturally chatted about politics and blogging too. Ross has a favourite blogroll he reads once a week, with Tim Worstall’s a clear favourite.
In today’s Sunday Telegraph, Ross has waxed lyrical about his love of the fenland landscape and its rich history. In The Counties of Britain column (Ross’s column infuriatingly not yet added online) he sums up his appreciation of his Cambridgeshire rural retreat and his recommend walk naturally suggests popping in for lunch at The Dyke’s End. Prince Charles visited in 2003 and sang its praises, and lesser mortals are equally impressed.
Meeting Ross was the icing on the cake during a great night out. And, no I don’t think Dale Winton was really upstairs, perhaps wishful thinking on Simon’s part….
I’m amazed that Ross Clark has ever heard of me!
That said, we do write on similar sorts of matters (and occasionally in the same sorts of places. I’ve done a couple of Thunderers for The Times).
Hhhm. Have to ask him if he’s got too many editors asking him to write. I’m not too proud to picks up the small commissions!
Pity poor hubby – can’t even go to the pub in peace 🙂 When is he getting a blog?
Hubby is too busy on Ebay to blog.
Yes, i agree. We had a great time last night too. Lots of funny things to laugh about, the ‘vision in pink’ was most witty especially mentioning something about ‘top heavy’. Didn’t think he’d notice things like that!
Look forward to our next social event, love Liz x