So here is is now aged 15, done up to the nines for his school Prom with his date, the lovely Laura in a very revealing dress, being chauffered in a sparkling new Jag with friend Jodie.
The whole town turned out to see them all arrive in style and walk the red carpet in limos and every racy car you can imagine, as well as a tractor, fire engine and riding pillion with a Hells Angels escort of 20 bikers.
David partied with friends afterwards and didn’t get a wink of sleep. It seems I was the most embarrassing mum there – my crime was being too snap happy and taking 109 pics.
What annoys me is that you never find out from boys what happened, they are very economical with sharing information, unless they want a favour. I only found out at the last minute that David had switched dates for the evening. I’m hoping Laura will pop round for a BBQ this evening and maybe she will tell me about it.
Awwww, how lovely! They grow up too quick :o)
Yes, they certainly do.
I remember the saying that a son is yours till he gets a wife, while a daughter is yours for the rest of your life. I am sure I will suffer terribly from the empty nest syndrome when both my sons fly the nest, as they must, of course.
well done ellee. i was banned from taking piccies of Ems prom. Still havent heard what happened there.
Brilliant, Ellee.
I think the prom is one US import which we can welcome wholeheartedly. I drove past a little gaggle of teens near home last night who were obviously waiting for their prom transport. They were all dressed up to the nines and I thought how terrific they looked.
If it’s any consolation, girls can be just as uncommunicative as boys. If you are under the opposite impression that is probably because other people’s children are always delightful and forthcoming at their friends’ houses but if you ever ask their parents it turns out that they also communicate in grunts at home -rather like Kevin and Perry in the old Harry Enfield/Kathy Burke sketches…
At what age do our kids stopping telling us their news? I think Barbara is right about girls being uncommunicative too, that was Geoff’s experience too.David and his date just shared conspiratorial glances between them whenever I asked about the Prom, I’m sure they had a great time.
P.S. David actually needs to go out more and let his hair down. As we live in a village, this is not easy for him, I do feel he misses out because of this.
Another thing, are girls getting taller these days? David was 5ft11ins when measured for his DJ, when it arrived, the trousers flapped around his ankles and I had to do an emergency sewing job. Both girls in the pic are as tall as him, I am a mere 5ft 4ins. All the girls today seem so much taller than my contemporaries.
[…] Sweet 16 and never ….. By Ellee Sweet 16 today, that is my son David, pictured here with his prom date Laura, who he insists are “just good friends”. He had one birthday wish, he desperately wanted a Samsung D600 mobile phone and after trawling a dozen stores, we discovered that Carphone Warehouse offered the best price. Only they had sold out at their three Cambridge shops, but one of their helpful assistants said they could deliver it by courier the next day at no extra charge if we placed an order. He insisted that it would arrive within 24 hours. […]