It was a particularly great achievement as he was chosen in preference to two A-list candidates, Kevin Hollinrake and Julie Moody who, like Julian, are locals. Julian believes he had the edge because of his policital experience – he stood against Environemnt Secretary Elliot Morley in Scunthorpe during last year’s general election and ousted a Lib Dem Mayor when he won his seat on Harrogate Borough Council in 2002.
His Lib Dem rival is Madeleine Kirk and we are looking forward to planning our campaign on local issues.
Did I mention that I shall be his Press Officer? Oh yes, I can’t wait because I know what a genuine and great guy Julian is, just like his dad MEP Robert Sturdy.
Julian is also subject to much interesting speculation on ConservativeHome, I recommend you take a peek.
I voted for Julian last year. Shame I was the only one, but that’s Scunthorpe for you.
John, thanks for voting for Julian last time round, he actually secured 8,392 votes.,,-1273,00.html
Only joking, but it certainly doesn’t feel as if there are 8391 other Conservatives around this town.
ps Happy birthday.
The very best of luck to both yourself and Julian. The York Outer seat represents both a huge challenge and a fantastic opportunity and I have no doubt you will face that challenge head-on. 🙂
I know it is going to be a huge challenge and we have a tough fight on our hands.
John, I hope Conservative voters don’t feel as isolated in York Outer.
Iain, thanks for your very supportive email too.