I am taking my son David to Great Ormond Street today and we hope to get the all clear as he is so much better.
He has been in the most excuciating and agonising pain and his chronic oseteomyelitis was difficult for consultants at Addenbrooke’s to diagnose, they repeatedly asked if he was happy at school. This was despite visible signs of abnormality showing a swollen face and disfiguring, protruding section of his jawbone.
I asked for a second opinion at GOS and I cannot praise them highly enough. He has now been pain free for the last four months and I expect they will arrange an X-ray and/or nuclear bone scan to confirm that the infection has cleared.
We shall then make the most of our visit to the smoke and take in some sights, a visit to an art gallery if I had my way, which would not be David’s first choice, but at least it would be cool.
Update July 18th 2006: Unfortunately, David is in pain again, he has been for the last week. He went away last weeek and forgot to take his antibiotics with him, I’m not sure if this is the reason why. He’s been keeping it quiet from me so I don’t worry, but I found the empty Paracetamol box and put two and two together.
So glad your son’s pain has eased. Not fair to have pain that severe at such a young age 🙁
Thankgod for dedicated doctors :o)
Delighted to hear that the “all-clear” is in sight. The period of not having a proper diagnosis must have been so worrying for your family and I’m glad it is all over with a good outcome. Enjoy your trip to the smoke.
What a great post birthday present Ellee (really sorry I missed the actual day :-()
Yes, David is on the mend. He had an X-ray which showed some infection is still present and will continue taking his anit-biotics for another three months, then back to GOS for another check up. It’s looking good though.
We felt we needed to stretch our legs after sitting around hospital for 2 1/2 hours so we climbed 532 steps to the top of St Paul’s Cathedral – and it rained. But I did manage to get some great shots between showers.
Dizzy, thanks for your email from your poolside villa in Spain enquiring about David’s well being as you were unable to post a comment. That was extraordinarily kind.
Also thanks to Geoff for thinking of us from his bolthole in the French Alps. I have met some really great people through blogging, I’m really enthralled by it all.