Suzy, with the gorgeous Lulu
Please report cases like this
The compassionate line continues today – but with a focus on animals, particularly those which are neglected and treated cruelly, not just in the UK, but worldwide.

Spearheading this project is passionate animal lover Suzy Gale, wife of MP Roger Gale, who sits on the All Party Animal Welfare Group and launched the Conservative Animal Welfare Group.

Because of the large number of queries the group received about other animal welfare matters from all over the world, and as Suzy had already been running a cat neutering project in Cyrpus, she decided a new organisation was needed to tackle this problem globally.

Hence the formation last December of Animals Worldwide, a non political group which Suzy set up with a number of major UK animal welfare charities, including Battersea Dogs and Cats Home and The Dogs Trust (see

Suzy is urging holiday makers to take her phone number with them when them when they travel abroad this summer so they can report any cases of neglected animals. She said:

“If you go on holiday and see cases of genuine neglect and/or cruelty, please get in touch with us. It is clear that there are a vast number of problems, from stray cats and dogs to dancing bears, brutally neglected horses and donkeys to primates being exploited for tourist photos and dolphins as well need our protection; sadly, the list is endless.

“Far too many tourist areas neglect the local stray animals; they are willing to take money from tourists, but not to address the problems. We now expect to be in a position to bring pressure to bear and to assist those people working in the field, to alleviate these problems with a programme of catch/neuter/return and in the long term we would obviously like to see well-run shelters established.”

This has been a real eye-opener for me because I didn’t realise Conservatives were involved in these animal organisiations. Suzy’s enthusiasm, commitment and dedication for this cause is not only very worthy, but infectious, let’s hope her message gets across and that it can make a real difference.”