It will simply be called The People Party, though I expect the tabloids will dub it something totally different, and the name certainly does not reflect his extreme support for capital punishment.
Lucas is also angry that new EU legislation has forced him to stop selling his gruesome gallows. This prohibits the import and export of any goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or degrading treatment or punishment within the EU. Lucas said defiantly:
“I am the last person in Europe making this kind of professional hanging equipment and I think today is the end to a piece of history. This has been going on for hundreds of years and I find it disgraceful how I have been treated. They should be bringing back capital punishment not banning people like myself who have only done this to restore and maintain law and order.”
Thick skinned Lucas and his hard core right wingers are a tiny minority and entitled to their own views; he will always be a headline hitter due to his gallows, but a big turn off for the great majority as there is no way capital punishment will ever be reintroduced in the UK, we are far too civilised a society.
It makes you wonder how easy it is to set up a political party. Plenty of interesting advice is offered here to anyone else wanting to do the same.
Please let me know if I am wrong, if you would give Lucas your X.
Can I be devil’s advocate?
I’m through with posting on Iain’s site – I get slaughtered!
No capital punishment in the UK? Menezes was executed at a tube station by Blair’s state police aparatchik.
Lucas is a sick individual. The death penalty in the USA has not led to a decline in the murder rate. Regrettably, we have to accept the fact that sometimes us humans like to kill each other. I don’t think that any penalty will stop this.
Come on, I’m sure you enjoyed getting a roasting on Iain’s site, it shows you are being listened to and people are responding, maybe not the way you would like, but what the heck, we are all allowed our views. Don’t give up on Iain’s site, it’s fun.
I take your point about Menezes, but his tragic death was not in the same league as what Lucas has in mind. What a nutter.
By “tiny majority” are you refering to the 51%+ of people in this country (depends on polling) who support capital punishment?
Chris, I do find the thought of executions quite barbaric. I do not believe that the percentage you refer to would support a political party headed by Lucas. But maybe I am wrong, let’s wait and see.
Not keen on the death penalty myself, and I always regard the 51% or whatever figure with some suspicion as polling on the topic is invariably in the wake of some horrific murder rather than on a normal rainy Wednesday in October.
As a hard right flog em,national service etc sort of Tory(I’ll leave the party soon dave don’t you worry),even I think capital punishment is a big mistake.The errors committed in the past have been unbelievable(particularly in the US where hanging innocent people just ‘sorta’ comes with the territory) and thus he has no chance of my vote.
Rigger mortice is spot on, we all want to see tough sentences and justice, but not to this extent, it’s far too barbaric.
There’s no way Ruth Ellis should have been hanged. Don’t the French have a defence for crime of passion? I’m not sure if it still exists.
It looks as though that particular clause no longer applies in French law.
So, we should not have the death penalty because some people chose to have a little snivel at the thought?
I believe that the number actually against capital punishment is tiny. For example, look at how Blair rejoiced in Zaqawi’s death. The reason capital punishment is off the menu is because no British politician has the guts to follow through. And the evidence is there that it does reduce murder rates (see American states with death penalty) so injuredcyclist’s line is just untrue.
This isn’t the first thing I would do if I got to power and I wouldn’t vote for this gallows farmer, but let’s at least have an honest discussion.