I’m heading for the smoke soon with my son James to see Billy Elliot again.
This is a real indulgence as it is second time, but he finds it irristible. He is a budding thespian aspiring to tread the boards, so I could not refuse.
He has recently joined Whizz Kids drama group in Cambridge and is waiting to have his professional photos taken and be assigned an agent. It is highly regarded and many of the talented kids end up with TV and film roles. I know James is good, but I don’t know if he is outstanding enough, we will have to wait and see.
As a proud mum, I have enjoyed watching him play the Artful Dodger in Oliver and Bert in Mary Poppins. He does fantasise about playing Billy, but is not keen on wearing a tutu: he’ll have to learn that’s par for the course….
I’m just back from grovelling about in 50 years of old smoke in my sons attic in Nottingham. Astounding to see about 10mm of ash everywhere in the attic from all those coal fires and steam engines of yester year.
Hope you both enjoyed your trip to the capital.
Geoff, I’m sure you did a great job for your son and he is really appreciative.
We both enjoyed Billy, it is a tremendous show and has invigorated James to pursue his acting career, he has even asked about tap dancing lessons!
Hope you enjoy yourselves, i could never ever get into that movie 🙁
Michelle, the show is really good fun with great music by Elton John. I guess the film is hard for those outside the UK to follow because of its UK political backdrop, being set during with the miners’ strike, a time of terrible doom and gloom. The show has a real feelgood factor about it and is quite uplifting.