Minister Miliband won’t find plastic bags spoiling his lovely views of Ireland

Minister Miliband is doing some homework while he holidays in Ireland (why did he fly and not go by ferry, asked one sharp blogger?)

He plans to report back on their unique plastic bag tax, something Defra has refused to consider in the past, afraid of being accused of implementing a stealth tax, unable to see the wider picture.

I researched this for an academic paper and visited Dublin after the tax was implemented in 2002 to combat a serious littering problem. As a result, an astounding 90% fewer plastic bags are used, the people think and act more environmentally friendly and it is regarded as an excellent role model throughout the world.

Shoppers are charged 15 cents per plastic bag and the money goes into a Government Environemtal Fund which is used to improve environmental projects, though I have heard this might increase soon. Shopppers now use either paper or reusable bags. It all makes perfectly good sense to me – and many others too.

As you will see from this, it is a subject close to my heart and I await with baited breath to see if Minister Miliband will make his own mark in Defra by following this through.