Many congratulations to Iain who kept his head and his dignity after not being placed on the A-list first time round, but has now rightfully been included. Modest in the extreme, he mentions it in passing at the end of this post.
I worked with Iain during last year’s election campaign, though he needed no press advice from me, I just had to report back to Central Office about his campaign. I know nobody will work harder and be more genuine in serving his constituents as their dedicated and loyal MP.
And if you need reminding about how I made Iain, blush, then please read this.
Update: Iain does not plan to return to Norfolk, understandably prefering a constituency closer to his home in Tunbridge Wells, and has set his sights on Essex (still within spitting distance of me), as well as Kent and London.
He’s looking a bit porky these days, isn’t he. Some vigorous campaigning, leafleting and canvassing should get him back into shape!
This pic was taken over a year ago, I’m not sure if Iain has lost weight since. I guess playing a few more rounds of golf would keep him trim.
will we see any decline in the entries if he gets the new job? or will the gossip just get better and better as a result?!
I’ve lost two stone since then!
Iain, I thought you looked slimmer on TV, the hard thing is now keeping off the weight, I’ve lost a stone over the year and don’t have time to get to the gym or go on enough rambles since starting to blog. Blogging is bad for the bum, as well as a girl’s complexion.
Injured cyclist,when Iain was a candidate last year, he ran a campaigning blog, so don’t worry, he will find plenty to write about still, though I’m not sure how juicy the gossip will be if he is campaigning on hospital closures and bus routes for pensioners etc…
well, if he needs an adviser on transport in urban areas by bike, he’s got my number….
I am thrilled for Iain; not only is he an excellent political commentator, he is a real gent. He came and spoke for me at a Conservative Party event in Southampton about three years ago now that I organised and charmed everyone with his speech and Q&A session. A great guy!
by the way toy have mispelt my name on your blogroll!!!!!!