Hoping to add zest and appeal to the Tory campaign to make the Party more appealing for women is Liz St Clair, the newly appointed Conservative Women’s Officer.

A little bird told me earlier this week that Liz had the job, but she asked me to hold back on writing about it until it had been finalised. She confirmed it this morning, though it seems Central Office has not yet issued their press release.

Liz was formerly co-ordinator of the Conservative Women’s Organisation Forum, she will now be working closely with Margot James.

She told me that she was very keen to support David Cameron’s changes and support women inside and outside the Party and work towards attacting new women votes.

I’m afraid I have no pic of Liz, she declined to send one, said it had to be sanctioned from Central Office.

Update from CCO: Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party, Margot James said: “I’m delighted Liz is joining the team. We’ve a wide ranging programme throughout the country and we need to ensure effective dialogue between the Party and the lobby organisations representing women’s interests.”