With our NHS limping from one catastrophe to another, our primary care trusts struggling to balance their books after being millions in debt, forcing staff cuts and bed closures on an essential front-line service, surely this is the time for Patricia Hewitt to resign.

There is no public confidence in how she has carried out her job as Secretary of State for Health. Charles Clarke was forced to resign when it became clear how shambolic the Home Office was run, it is now time for Hewitt to follow suit.

She is responsible for the PCTs and yet 9 out of 10 were reported as being only weak or fair, it is obviously a system that has failed. The Health Commission’s report has told the NHS to raise its game if it is to serve patients as they deserve, that patients want a “universal guarantee” that trusts are meeting general standards, including safety and cleanliness, and that they expect these standards to be met next year.

Labour has had 9 years to provide these essential services and failed, so another year is not going to make any difference. Their time in office resulted in more than 18,000 NHS jobs being axed, hospitals and wards facing closure and many trainee doctors and nurses unable to find jobs. They have the worst deficit in the history of the NHS. A desperately disillusioned hospital consultant has even formed a political party to challenge the Government.

A report in today’s local paper tells how a woman suffering from excruciating toothache in Suffolk was told by NHS Direct helpline that the nearest available treatment was in Wolverhampton – 200 miles away – sums up the mess the NHS is in, it is in decay. It is now time to act on healing our stricken NHS by seeking Hewitt’s resignation.