I think I will most definitely give Saw 111 a miss, people are running out the cinema screaming, one person even needed hospital treatment after fainting with fright.
I’m definitely one of the squeamish, give me Dr Zhivago any day, with its passion, politics and revolution, though I hope to have a few belly laughs this weekend, courtesy of Kazakhstan and Borat’s movie.
Saw 111 sounds absolutely vile, it is described as “a deadening barrage of grungy rooms, mortified flesh and elaborate torture”.
Now don’t start getting excited ….
Just reading about it scares me so I definitely won’t be looking out for this film in Italy!
Just reading about it makes me want to go and see what all the fuss is about……..maybe thats just what they want !!!!
Sally, Good to hear from you again. I know in my younger days I enjoyed a good scare, but I don’t think I would have survived this.
Hope you had a good walk today, btw, all 20 miles.
Yes i had a fab walk, thanks !! Enjoyed all 21 miles……..
Bet that film is not half as bad as they say , remember all the hype about Blair witch project?? and that was rubbish….!!
Sally, I really do think you are made of sterner stuff than me. I never saw Blair Witch, but I might fancy the Prada one about the Devil wearing heels, which you recommended at the weekend. The only problem is, with global warming, there are no rainy days to go and hide away in the cinema, and when it’s nice, I want to go out for a walk.
The Devil wears prada…..fantastic girlie film…you must go and see it, go one night when its too dark to walk…..!!!
I have seen the fist two ‘Saw’ movies, and loved them. However, the third has been given a ‘no star’ rating.
I have seen all 3 films. The first one was very good, the second one was pretty rubbish and the third one is terrible. There is no plot.
Great timing for release at Halloween and excellent tapping into word of mouth for the target audience of this movie. Sounds like some classic old Hollywood style bamboozling PR to me. Wonder if they paid the screamers?
I think Sally is right, a lot of it is advertising hype. I think you would be disgusted rather than scared. I definitely won’t be seeing it, simply because it’s rubbish and I’d rather save my money for something more worthy!
Incidentally, Dr Zhivago is also one of my all time favourite movies, I have the DVD!
Well, it certainly doesn’t sound like there will be a Saw 1V judging from your responses.
Heather, I found your comment about the screamers very amusing, I’m sure it’s exactly the kind of scheme Edward Bernays would have dreamt up.
Jim, I agree with you about Dr Zhivago, it’s my favourite too, I also have the DVD,
Purely as a ramble I think the Saw movies (which I have not seen but have read about and know the concepts of) are a reflection of the Internet age.
There are sites out there, like Ogrish and Rotten which contain videos of some of the most f***ed up stuff out there in the real world. I’m not talking about snuff movies, just snippets of real life horrors caught on camera and made available for the whole world to see.
Saw reflects that desensitisation of horrific violence that the darker sides of a free Internet have brought to the world. They also reflect a step change in the so-called Horror genre.
I myself am desperately searching for a film that realyl frightens me. Saw is not going to do that because it is gore, it’s purpose is to disturb. The truly frightening film is one that doesn;t rely of gritty realitic gore, but one that plays with your head and creates atmosphere (Halloween for example with John Carpenters soundtrack for example does just that).
Apologies for the error post above – not sure how that happened, I just began to type and suddenly it was gone! What I was going to say was…
Oh I’m eagerly anticipating this movie, and not just because of the hype. The first two movies had fantastic plot twists and were just fantastic. I love this francise; it has one of the best killers every invented, I’m sure.
I’m pretty sure the reports of people fainting are hype. After all, they said that about Blair Witch, and it wasn’t scary in the least in my opinion.
This movie is likely to just be gory. And well, that never stopped me from going to see a movie before. I just hope it doesn’t disappoint; the first two didn’t…
Martine, You must have a stomach and constitution made of iron. Do let me know what you think of it when it is shown in your area, else make a quick trip here before they don’t have any audience left, maybe we are all weaklings round here.
Dizzy, I find the psychological movies more scary, particularly those where you are being watched and followed and you trip over and the footsteps behind become quicker and quicker – very basic stuff, I know, but that’s how easily scared I am.
Never been a fan of ‘slasher’ horror films. Of conventional horror films, ‘The Exorcist’ really put the hook in me, but probably the most unnerving films I’ve seen in the last ten years or so would be ‘Misery’ and ‘Se7en’. And ‘Eraserhead’ – whereas most horror films are about fear of death / pain, ‘Eraserhead’ is more about fear of sex, supposedly. Either way, it is distinctly unsettling. I still think that ‘Alien’ holds up very well, in part because it taps into the same thing – the beast doesn’t look like it does without good reason.
Its not my scene (these sort of films). I only need to watch the news to see the same sort of thing.
For me a film/ballet/music has to transport me away from grief and stress. Not towards it.
But toi each their own i guess
Hi Ellee 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments.
I saw both “Saw” movies and though I hate gore, I liked these two anyway. I`m sure I`ll end up seeing Saw3 at some point but will wait for that one to come out on DVD. Not something I really want to go to the movies to see.
Umm.. your description makes it interesting to watch the movie, but gore and flesh are not my cup of tea. I can not even see a surgery on TV (when my mom was operated for cataract they transmitted it on the TV kept in lobby. I could not watch it.). “Exorcism of Emily Rose” was good horror move, atleast there was no gore in it….
Hey Ellee,
Well, I went to see it this evening. I think you’re right not to go! It really is excruciating. I never winced so many times in an hour and a half in my life!
I can see why some people had to run out. It was relentless gore. But still, the obligatory plot twist was good. I left feeling glad I went to see it, but it was touch and go for a while there!!
Martine, You are some gutsy lady – excuse the pun! I am hoping to see Borat, insanely stupid I know, but sometimes that is good for you, and it has had good reviews, even on Newsnight last night.
Ah yes I saw the review for Borat. I’ll likely go see that one as well, since chances are my student friends will want to see it (lucky we get cinema discounts).
well of the see saw 111 tonight….will let you know what i think…!!
just as i expected….alot of fuss over nothing . Dont know how people could get so scared by something that is, after all ,just a film……but the twist at the end was good….
Sally, I hope you didn’t go on your own. I’m impressed you stuck it out – but keep the ending to yourself in case anyone else fancies going. I can tell you I won’t. Borat was ok, but a bit samey after half an hour of whining in that same voice, I did laugh a little, but not as much as I thought, I didn’t like the anti-Semetic jokes.
yes have to keep ending to myself……as my son is going to see it on friday……
Going to se Dereck Acorah, the medium man tomorrow not quite sure what to expect but sure it will be interesting.
I am a retired Actor, and I have seen, and made this sort of film, but it actually got to me. It didn’t scare me, but left a lasting impression.