Thought that might grab your attention!

A new era in punchy political campaigning was launched today by 18 Doughty Street with its first online video political attack against the    government’s record on tax.

Do play the 90 sec recording and let me know what you think. I liked the clever use of the TAX swipe card to get its message across in a humorous way.

This is the first of 18 Doughty Street’s weekly political adverts which has had a great plug in today’s Times, next week’s campaign is against extra state funding of political parties. It almost feels like the start of an election campaign.

Tim Montgomerie, a director of 18 Doughty Street, believes it has never been easier or cheaper to challenge the established view:

“American political entrepreneurs have used blogs, YouTube and clever use of search engines to unseat powerful television anchors and presidential wannabes. This week brings some of the better American techniques to Britain and will soon be producing a weekly series of political attack adverts designed by bloggers and debated on a daily internet TV programme.”

And if you can, please take a moment to answer this questionnaire about the video. What do you think, is this form of communication a good idea, will it help engage with the electorate?

It was made in conjunction with The TaxPayerss Alliance.