I have been invited by my CIPR diploma leader Heather Yaxley to join her in London today to speak about blogging to the motor industry, her specialised area.

Interestingly, Heather’s recent post mentions Jeremy Clarkson’s Top Gear blog, he wants your views on the programme. And, true to form, he doesn’t mince his words?

“You may say that, as a public service broadcaster, we shouldn’t care about viewing figures; and it’s true – we shouldn’t. We can take them to the lavatory for a little moment of pleasure, but we can’t skew programmes to make them as big as possible or we’d end up with Jade Goody and The Hamiltons being loaded into the cars before they were pushed out of the transport plane…

“Anyway, although we won’t chase figures, we still have to give the audience something you want and like. Which means we should make Top Gear an entertainment show featuring cars, rather than a car show, that isn’t as boring as your wife and kids feared.

“Or have I got that all wrong? I’m stuck on this one and would love to hear your views. “

I’ll be joined today by Geoff and am looking forward to meeting Simon Wakeman.