My son David isn’t speaking to me. You couldn’t meet a more image easy going and placid 17-year-old. But suddenly, with L plates on the car, he has become a different person. The power under the car bonnet has clearly gone to his head.

He regards me as simply a “mum”. The fact that I am an Advanced Motorist counts for nothing. He ignores everything I say when he is behind the wheel.

He has an aversion to using the handbrake when we are stationary, he likes to coast along in third gear all the time instead of using second. He barely looks left or right at junctions as he says he has the right of way. And I was forced to pull up the handbrake this evening when he tried to overtake a car at 50 mph in a 30 mph limit.

When we arrived home, he ripped up the L plates. He has his theory test next week.

His dinner sits on the table, stone cold. And it’s one of his favourites.

He says he hates me, will he speak to me again? I’m calm, why isn’t he?