I spent a sleepless night last night tossing and turning. But who was I to complain when it was David who was quietly suffering in pain. At 1am and 2am. Suffering considerable pain long into the night. So I dosed him up with painkillers and hoped that would help. He said it didn’t. So I doubled up the quantity. He finally went to sleep.

It looks like bad news and I shall be calling his consultant at Great Ormand Street Hospital this morning. After being given the all-clear last December following positive tests, it looks like we will be returning there again very soon.

They’ve always stated that David is not a text book case, and that the chronic infection in his jaw could take a very long time to clear. We were really hoping that it had finally been conquered after four and a half years, that surgery could be avoided – our biggest fear as it would leave him facially disfigured – and I have promised him we will not do this. He is too handsome.

He was going to do a practice A’level test paper this morning, but I’ll let him sleep on.