World finance leaders meeting to discuss next month’s G20 summit and thrash out the global economic crisis have been sent a clear message Robert 1from my MEP Robert Sturdy – and I totally endorse every word.

In today’s Guardian, he has had a letter published stating that the global poor must be the G20 priority:

The G20 summit has the opportunity to make it clear that short-term aid and declarations against protectionism will not be enough. The agricultural commodity markets are perhaps some of the most fluid and volatile, the developing world needs to shift its economic base swiftly. The real victims of the developed world’s trade and aid policies are the poorer nations’ entrepreneurs who find themselves incapable of developing new industries, particularly as creditors shy away, back to nations whose governments are offering guarantees. The government has thrown a huge amount of taxpayers’ money at the economic crisis in the UK with questionable results. We must ensure that if we are sending more of our money overseas, it achieves real results to help poorer nations help themselves out of the crisis.

If the recession is terrifying for us, this fear is magnified in lesser developed countries who will suffer much worse. And it is a bitter injustice for them considering it was the developed world which created this mess.