Please do read our Euro candidate Vicky
Ford’s very amusing post and find out why Simon Heffer needs to go to charm classes. What a grump. Would you want to vote for him if he stands as an Independent candidate?
Now our Vicky, a mum of three who got up at 5.30am to meet commuters at Chelmsford, after spending yesterday campaigning with her highly motivated team in Ipswich followed by a challenging evening on a hustings panel in Cambridge, would never dream of behaving in such a rude manner.
The campaigning schedules our candidates have are really gruelling, as you would imagine, but I have never heard Vicky utter a word of protest. She can’t do enough or meet enough people. She really enjoys it all too.
Simon, you should learn from our Vicky that a little politeness goes a long way…
Just looking at him, I would not want to vote for him and now I have read Vicky’s post , that is NO I would not vote for him.
Ellee I have had one person come round, which is Lib Dem….she listened, she wrote, now she might just get my Vote!!
I suspect that deep down women find that sort of behaviour sexy. The moody grumps got all the gals in my day. Jane Austen has much to answer for.
He is not the sort of person I would vote for!
A little politeness goes a long way, especially for someone in the public view. Still, he will reap what he sows, no doubt.
I suspect that deep down women find that sort of behaviour sexy. The moody grumps got all the gals in my day. Jane Austen has much to answer for.
er.. erm maybe to some women but with Austen I think it had more to do with being tall, dark and handsome and owning half of Derbyshire.
Kevin, most definitely women do not find this kind of rudeness sexy. Even if he was tall, dark and handsome, that would make no difference. It doesn’t seem like he has many fans here.
Anne, sorry for not replying earlier. I am glad you have had a positive experience with a politician. It’s a pity you didn’t meet up with a Conservative candidate, but please vote for who you want to support and exercise your democratic right.
Thanks, Ellee, I should clarify that I do not find such rudeness appealing.
Whilst Mr Darcy was a bit haughty and thoughtless at first he melted Elizabeth’s heart by going out of his way to help her and her family, spending sackloads of money, time and effort to save her good name. You were, of course, correct that being tall, dark and handsome made no difference.
And doesn’t still.