Vicky Ford (2) Please do read our Euro candidate Vicky  imageFord’s very amusing post and find out why  Simon Heffer needs to go to charm classes. What a grump. Would you want to vote for him if he stands as an Independent candidate?

Now our Vicky, a mum of three who got up at 5.30am to meet commuters at Chelmsford, after spending yesterday campaigning with her highly motivated team in Ipswich followed by a challenging evening on a hustings panel in Cambridge, would never dream of behaving in such a rude manner.

The campaigning schedules our candidates have are really gruelling, as you would imagine, but I have never heard Vicky utter a word of protest. She can’t do enough or meet enough people. She really enjoys it all too.

Simon, you should learn from our Vicky that a little politeness goes a long way…