Perhaps the editor of The Times had further damaging revelations about MPs expenses in mind when he refused to back the Tories in the same way as The Sun. There were whisperings all week at the Conservative conference about another expenses scandal which was going to break.
During a fringe meeting which Times editor James Harding chaired, he was asked when his paper would do the “decent thing” and support Conservatives, having endorsed New Labour in the previous two general elections.
His terse reply: “We will make a decision on endorsing a party when it is clear they have earned it.”
Not surprisingly, disapproving sounds can then be heard from the audience.
The video concludes with advice being given from panelists Peter Riddell, assistant editor of The Times; Shadow Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Greg Clark, and Andrew Cooper, from Populus, on what Conservatives need to do to win the general election.
Reassuringly, we seem to be on track as far as their words of wisdom are concerned.

I think he said what a fair number of us are thinking.