For the first time ever, readers of my blog have phoned me at home about a post I wrote.

They were very upset and seek justice. It concerns my report about disturbing failings of the Court of Protection following a story in the Mail on Sunday. This told how many families were suffering, both emotionally and financially, because of considerable inadequacies in a legal system intended to protect the vulnerable who had not made an Enduring Powers of Attorney when they had full mental capacity.

This document appoints someone to help them if they should become unable to handle their own financial affairs. Without it, the families can find themselves at the mercy of the Court of Protection, a court which has failed to live up to its name and offered no protection or solace to many families, it would seem.

Complete strangers have rung me at home to pour out their hearts about their personal heartache and experiences, some of which are written at length in the comments of my post. One has described taking his case to the European Court of Human Rights. They asked my advice, and I was at a loss because I am no legal expert. They have done the obvious, ie had legal advice and contacted their MP. I sensed their despair and hopelessness.

This is what one man said in his comment:

If it takes to my dying day, I shall continue to fight this corrupt system of government and its co-ordinated NHS/Social Services/COP/OPG/Land Registry and Law Society member lies.

And Francesca wrote:

My life has not been the same, since the court of protection got involved with my Mother, this court is Corrupt and needs to be exposed for what it is; the court of protection , made an order resticting me from seeing my Mother,and putting the power of when and where i can see my Mother in the hands of the Local Council, for NO reason,they have NO grounds for doing this . The Court Of Protection don’t have my Mothers interests at heart at all , this Court is VERY Nazi-like. I am the youngest in the family and i am close to my Mother,so this has destroyed my life , they have destroyed me and my Mothers family life,and any happiness and peace we had,

What can be done to remedy this situation?  Is anyone listening to their grievances and responding? My response sounds feeble, but I posted an appeal on Twitter this afternoon asking for any MP followers to do something about these courts. I hope someone will listen.

The Daily Mail story referred to an internet forum which could help. I am not sure if this is the one in question called Court of Protection problems. It seems that sadly, there are plenty others in the same boat.

It’s time that this court stood for what it was intended to do.