Meldreth circular walk

Map your trip with EveryTrail

Many thanks to Geoff Jones for sending me this fabulous EveryTrail link for a walk we did yesterday with Sally and the Cambridge Rambling Club. I did try to make my excuses the image imageday before – too many jobs to catch up on in the house, etc – but Geoff was having  none of it and called me to say he expected to see me there. So I demured.

Actually, I needed to give my new pink-fleeced lined jacket an airing which I had bought in the Christmas sales. And, of course, I enjoyed it once I was out there hopping over endless stiles. A pity the sun never really came out.

As Geoff says, it was a bit on the slow side. But I still somehow ended up with blisters, and left the group after three hours during the pub break to complete the rest of the 10 mile walk. I couldn’t work out why we had only covered six miles in that time as I normally walk 2 1/2 – 3 miles to the hour, but we did stop off and linger for a while to admire a beautiful snowdrop garden en route.

I did enjoy catching up with an old friend from the school-gate days, Sarah Bailey Mappledoram, (pic right) who is in training for an impressive fundraising walk along the Great Wall of China. I am such a novice in comparison and in total awe.

Geoff did try to coax me to join her, and that certainly would be a wonderful achievement. One day…

Btw Geoff, isn’t it time you designed a beautiful new website for the rambling club? Its newsletter style doesn’t do it justice. And, where did you get that hat!!