
I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported our Headway Cambridgeshire ball at the weekend and made it such an outstanding success, raising more than £2,000 on the night.

Any charity will tell you how tough it is to keep the money rolling in when there are so many worthy causes competing for it.

I ended up buying the stunning painting of Madonna for my sister Rosalind (pictured with me) which you can see here, though she will have to wait till her birthday. It was painted by one of our service users, Barry-John Nevill, and he kindly donated it for an auction which my husband Stephen ran during the evening; he was born for that role and had the patter off to a tee! I always remember Jeffrey Archer saying how paintings were a great investment, and I’m sure that will be the case with this one too, though that was not the reason I bought it as my sister fell in love with it at first sight and cannot wait for it to grace her wall.

Our friends Liz and Steve joined us, our fellow cruising shipmates. Liz and I both had a good laugh as we felt like we were sailing around the Med again, being seated almost identically around a round table, with a casino and live music to follow. They even have art auctions on the ship – but no originals like Barry-John’s.

I would like to single out graphic designer Paul Lane of Savvy Designs for special thanks as he spent the evening capturing the event on camera. He gave his time voluntarily and his photos bring back memories of a wonderful evening, including the two on this blog post. The pics can be seen at this link.

Headway Cambridgeshire is fortunate to be growing from strength to strength. We will be opening in Peterborough later this month, and Fenland later this year. Sadly, there will always be a need for its services, providing rehabilitative care for adults with an acquired brain injury, and support for families and carers, because accidents like this can happen to anyone on any day without warning.