I wish you could see me right now. I’m like a very excited kid with a new toy. And my new toy is an Apple iMac.
Someone told me last week that I was like a man because of my love of gadgets. I’m actually a very feminine woman, but I just love being creative and continuously learning, discovering new and interesting people which the internet facilitates, as well as enjoying the latest most fantastic multi-media applications; it’s certainly infinity and beyond when you have an iMac.
I already owned an Apple Macbook which I used for editing videos, so I know how to right click on an iMac, but it was never used as my main computer as I had a Microsoft Dell desktop. The Macbook was a great introduction into the Apple world – one bite, and I was hooked! But I am learning that the iMac is a different creature, that there is so much more to it than the Macbook, and it is a totally absorbing experience.
To start with, the Apple store makes using an iMac a totally painless experience for the novice, which is a huge incentive. I took my Dell tower in to the Cambridge store and they transferred all the data on to my new toy as part of the purchase deal so when I returned home, I literally plugged it in and was instantly able to twitter and check out Facebook, as well as sending emails.
My fingers simply glide across its smooth wireless silver keyboard for it to spring into action, (its slinky Magic Mouse is also included), unlike its plastic black Dell counterpart with odd sticking keys which I had to keep hammering away at.
There is still a huge learning curve for me to get through, I need to learn how to my access my old Word documents and email folders and get everything in order. I know they are somewhere on my massive 1 TB storage.
Primarily, I bought my iMac to further develop my video work with Final Cut, which is hugely challenging, but absolutely stunning.
I appreciated Windows for its Live Writer application for writing blog posts, but now I am using Scribefire. I’m looking forward to no more spam emails (it’s true, you don’t get get them with Apple), as well as an end to the churning away on the computer when its software is laboriously updated.
It’s a whole new experience, and one I am loving.

Apple is my present and my future. MS is an old forgotten chapter.
Hi Peter, I think you are right. I noticed when I went to see Girl with the Dragon Tattoo that the key characters used a Macbook Pro. And on Despatches with our shamed MPs, the camera kept zooming in on an iMac.
I am having to use my Dell desktop to access some info still and it now seems so dated compared to the iMac. And I know there is so much left for me there to discover. It’ a new way of life, it’s an education.
You don’t need to waste time getting your documents into order (unless you find it therapeutic). The “Spotlight” feature (top right) works so well and so fast that you will be able to find your stuff wherever you left it. Enjoy!
Someone told me last week that I was like a man because of my love of gadgets
How sexist.
Great informative post, Ellee, I hope you keep us informed. I’ve wanted a Mac for years. They are so much better at handling graphics. Sadly I cannot afford one. It seems you get what you pay for :-/
Looks good!
Hi all, I’m still mastering some of its new applications, and still loving it.
Pip, I hope you will have one too one day.
I keep being tempted when I see the macbook.