I’ve just read this comment on Michael Fabricant’s Facebook and feel it sums up how other undecided voters might be thinking right now:

“Always voted labour, but not anymore ….will never vote conservative, so who do you vote for? what a dilemma. I feel there will be a lot of protest votes, eg. bnp UKIP, maybe not such a bad thing.”

Is that how you feel too? What is going to make you decide?”

Never before in living memory have politicians been so reviled, and yet they are asking the public to elect them into office, they are asking for their trust and giving assurances about transparency and how they will govern our country.

Picture 12

With the polls narrowing between the lead parties, nothing can be taken for granted, and every vote literally counts. The smallest ever general election majority was two votes achieved by Mark Oaten in Winchester in 1997, and A. J. Flint in Ilkeston North in 1931. (source totalpolitics Guide to the 2010 General Election).

Please don’t waste your vote and remember that there will be a result either way, one party has got to win. Anyone can see that Labour has had many chances, it’s had its day, and we desperately need a change of government to rebuild our shattered economy and restore hope for our future.

*I’ve just seen the results of Michael’s personality profile on his Facebook site and he scores pretty well. Perhaps all political candidates and MPs should be given a publicly screened psychometric test to test their suitability for public life:

Openness 85%
Conscientiousness 90%
Extraversion 94%
Agreeableness 49%
Neuroticism 35%