I’ve just read this comment on Michael Fabricant’s Facebook and feel it sums up how other undecided voters might be thinking right now:
“Always voted labour, but not anymore ….will never vote conservative, so who do you vote for? what a dilemma. I feel there will be a lot of protest votes, eg. bnp UKIP, maybe not such a bad thing.”
Is that how you feel too? What is going to make you decide?”
Never before in living memory have politicians been so reviled, and yet they are asking the public to elect them into office, they are asking for their trust and giving assurances about transparency and how they will govern our country.
With the polls narrowing between the lead parties, nothing can be taken for granted, and every vote literally counts. The smallest ever general election majority was two votes achieved by Mark Oaten in Winchester in 1997, and A. J. Flint in Ilkeston North in 1931. (source totalpolitics Guide to the 2010 General Election).
Please don’t waste your vote and remember that there will be a result either way, one party has got to win. Anyone can see that Labour has had many chances, it’s had its day, and we desperately need a change of government to rebuild our shattered economy and restore hope for our future.
*I’ve just seen the results of Michael’s personality profile on his Facebook site and he scores pretty well. Perhaps all political candidates and MPs should be given a publicly screened psychometric test to test their suitability for public life:
Openness | 85% |
Conscientiousness | 90% |
Extraversion | 94% |
Agreeableness | 49% |
Neuroticism | 35% |

In marginals, the other parties will be squeezed, horribly, as people realise their vote counts – turnout will also be high. But in safe seats, expect the “protest” vote to register highly amongst a lower turnout.
Still think Clegg will have fewer MPs than notches on his bedpost!
I’m canvassing in Winchester and our C supporters are sticking with us. I still think the TV debate will be key
Of course there is an alternative, Vote UKIP for Straight talking. If there is a hung parliament and that is looking very likely then the only wasted vote is no vote at all!
Fred Parker
I tend to take a local view, rather than a national one. I don’t really care who is in power as long as my local MP is effective.
I will therefore be voting labour, as I don’t feel that Douglas Carswell is very passionate about Harwich.
I’ve just had an email from James Paice, who is my constituency MP, asking if I will support his campaign. His seat should be safe, and I plan to spend time supporting Conservative candidates with a tougher fight on their hands, such as Julian Sturdy in York Outer, Nigel Huddleston, in Luton South, Robert Halfon, in Harlow, and Nick Hillman, in Cambridge.
I have this awful feeling that the country will not throw out Brown and Co.
Far too many people now dependent on the state and all its hand outs or employed in the public sector , again dependent on a nanny state mentality.
And the seats have been doctored to keep Labour in power for ever if they work it right.
The country has lost touch with itself and whats important .Its all PC and equality now that rules. They actually havent got a clue or seemingly any understanding as to the real state of the economy and the horrors that are coming next who ever gets to be in power.
They actually seem to totally fail to understand or care what Brown and that ghastly lot have done to the country.
However I cannot support the Tories , they lost the plot ages back and then chose Cameron .
He will I fear ever be judged by the masses as ” just another Tory toff ” out of touch with the real world of misery lawlessness and deprivation that now stalkes this once pleasant land.
He simply doesnt look as though he actually believes in much other than getting power .
Even if Im wrong about Cameron hes left it far too late in the game to lay out what hes about and what he stands or his party stand for .
The right will now ( as shall I ) vote UKIP .
Its the nearest thing to what I want this country to believe in again .
Still on the bright side , wait till the —- hits the fan and the country wakes up from its dreaming to all the cuts Brown will have to soon make !
I am totally turned off by all the main parties. I think this time around I will be voting for the MP that has supported his local constituency and most of the campaigns that I have been involved in over the last 5 years.
PS: & I thought I looked scary on one of those mobile billboards last week. I can see from the one in this post I was quite angelic in comparison 😉
The only person I have seen out canvassing is the man that came the other day, and he was Lib Dem from Didcot. Some of what he wants to do is good for us, but how can we believe all we hear and read.
I am finding the politics here stressful. I follow it carefully and what labour is doing to our country is shameful for real.
I am at a point where I cannot listen to it or watch it as its influenceing my choices. Holiday here we come!
I suppose I can find some comfort in reading that your politics is as fractured and contentious as ours in the States.
But what motivated me to make a comment was the idea of taking a “psychometric test” — I might set a new record in the neurotic category… and (like any good Curmudgeon) a new low in “agreeableness.”
Have a Happy Easter, Ellee.
That guy is really worth be voted for!
Great post!
Nice sharing!