Ever since she was elected deputy Labour leader, Harriet Harman has been sidelined by Gordon Brown who failed to make her deputy Prime Minister. She warns her party that Labour’s election line-up is too male dominated; she
has to stand by while unelected Peter Mandelson takes control of Labour for the duration of the election campaign. What does this tell us about the way Labour views democracy if it ruthlessly ignores the wishes of those who voted Harman into the role of deputy leader?
The fact is, if Labour seriously wants to target the “Take a Break women” – those under 40 – what the heck does it expect to achieve with Peter Mandelson at its helm? What does he know about the lives of single mothers and unemployed families, the struggles of students paying tuition fees, the unavailability of cancer treating drugs, caring for a mother with dementia or a child with autism while also desperately trying to hold down a job, the struggle of paying soaring petrol prices while living in a rural community…….
I think this is yet another blessing in disguise for Conservatives.

I agree with your point; but Harman lost what admiration I had for her when, firstly, she got in a turf-war with Jack Straw then had no time to bring in legislation to raise the amount of convictions in rape cases, then published statistics for successful convictions that were over ten times too small.
Frugal, I know she doesn’t have many fans, her position seems to hold no clout at all. What credit is Mandelson?
Good point about Mandy’s depth of understanding.
Whoever ran the campaign would make no difference because Labour’s had its chances, they have to be judged on their record and where we are now, no more futile promises.
Cant blame Brown not putting Harriet Harperson forward to run the show , shes frankly barking .
But Comrade Brown thinks that bringing the old guard ( however sly and discredited ) he will put the frighteners under Cameron .
Glad to see that Cameron had the sense to bring back the Satchi team .
Wasnt the Ashes for ashes poster brilliant.
Thats what Cameron needs to remember , dont get angry get even and get some good jokes (at Labours expense )into his TV appearance , make the audience laugh at Brown and Co .
I think it’s a shame for the Cs – HH is a toxic asset!