I missed the ITV leaders’ debate last night due to a social engagement in Cambridge, but caught up with the tail-end of it and saw Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg all standing poised in their party-colour co-ordinated ties.
I enjoyed watching how the audience response was tracked – what a clever political intelligence indicator. I was stunned to read this morning about the high rating given to Nick Clegg for his performance: a Times poll gave him an incredible 61% and placed him the winner of last’s debate, with Cameron on a disappointing 27% and Brown with an unimpressive 17%. I’m certainly hoping those figures will not stand up at the polling booths on 6th May. We all expected Cameron to be more persuasive, and this is clearly what he needs to work on.
Around 10 million viewers tuned in last night, but I’m not sure if those numbers will be repeated for the next two televised debates. One debate was interesting, but why do we need three? Is it just to appease the different television companies?
*One of the friends I met up with last night is an artist who was a victim of the incredible Icelandic volcanic ash which has forced the cancellation of air flights. He was forced to returned home from Stansted Airport after being booked on an early morning flight to Dublin where he had hoped to arrange an exhibition. I certainly don’t recall anything as dramatic as this before and find it quite gripping; t; these natural disasters are quite terrifying.
Can you imagine living close to this devastating scenario, and the damage caused:
About 700 people from rural areas near the volcano were evacuated Thursday because of flash flooding, as water carrying icebergs the size of small houses rushed down the mountain.
National Geographic has some stunning images here.

DC’s performance was disappointing – he needs to be more relaxed, answer the questions, engage more with the audience and be far more punchy about Labour & LibDem shortcomings.
The volcanic eruption was far more interesting than the show !
It was ghastly , Brown just looked and sounded old and angry, Cameron was rather like a wooden top and Clegg could say what he wanted as he knew he was never going to have to bring the goods.
We turned it off when Brown started to do crocodile tears for the troops knowing he hadnt provided them with the equipment .
He lied about it to the select comm and did it again last night .
My husbands comments as he turned him off are not repeatable .
I then went and turned onto Guido Fawkes which was brilliant as minute by minute people were sending in amazingly funny and astute comments about all three of the so called ” leaders ” performances.
It was a great shame that Nigel Farage wasnt allowed to join them , now that would have been a show worth watching.
W.W. It’s obviously not as easy as it seems. He did admit to being nervous in advance and is a very accomplished speaker. There was no real chance of practising for such an important broadcast. Maybe Clegg has the advantage of being the outsider and being able to shine, while Cameron and Brown have to attack each other’s policies and appear as Mr Nice Guy too.
Disaffected, Brown can’t talk – or cry – his way out of equipment for troops. Yes, Guido’s site can always be relied on for the amusing comments, and risque too.
Farage is good on TV, but there just isn’t time for the smaller parties to have their. I agree they struggle to get their voices heard in the same way in the media.
Hi Ellee, I expect the next show will see both Dave and Gordon turning up the volume against Clegg ( who actually comes across as more than a bit creepy)
The LDs policies are of the basket variety and need to be pinned down asap.
I was so shocked that Dave Cameron didnt do much more to remind people just how much the present financial mess is down directly to Gordon .
He really does need to look more relaxed and on top of the situation and look directly at the camera , after all its all those people tuning in that he needs to interact with .
They need to believe he really has the answers to all the problems we know are coming.
Last weeks heavy papers were stating that we are likely to see a second round of the recession this coming year !
Gordo of course will try to make us all believe he has it all in hand !!
The bottom line is that one couldn’t vote Lib Dem, whatever Clegg looked like – their policies are disastrous.
I liked the comment that Cam and Brown had loads of money invested in advisors etc. to prepare for the debate whereas Clegg, being relatively poor, just stood up and talked to the camera. It worked.
@jameshigham – after that performance i am seriously considering voting Lib Dem. Can I trouble you to tell me the policies you disagree with? As a floating voter I am open to argument. If you don’t choose to then I will understand, voting is a personal choice.
Philipa do remember that one Anthony Blair was also a natural when put in front of a camera or an audience , he could talk the hind legs of a donkey but would you vote for him now ?
I despair that people could consider voting for someone simply on a ninety minute acting event.
Did you hear his remarks about immigration , the LDs are going to make people go to places where there arent many at the moment !How will that work , if they arent going to places at present its more than likely that its cos there aint much work for them there .
Whats Cleggy going to do , brand them and put tags on their ankles so they cant do a moonlight !
Thanks, disaffected, you’re right. No I certainly wouldn’t vote for Bliar. Hmm 🙁