The worrying backlash from John Cowan being dropped by Labour in South East Cambridgeshire is the threat this unexpectedly poses for Jim Paice, our wonderful Shadow Agriculture and Rural Affairs Secretary. What he doesn’t know about this subject isn’t worth knowing. He lives and breathes farming and the countryside, it’s in his blood.
I was stunned to read in the Cambridge News that the betting website Betfair thinks the constituency could be won by Lib Dems, but that can only happen if they get Labour’s lost votes. Conservatives have held this seat since 1966, with Lib Dems runners-up since 2001, losing by 8,624. It certainly is one to watch because that Labour vote has to go somewhere, and we need to win as many of them as possible, unless their supporters decide to stay at home. It’s pure speculation to expect enough of them to switch over to Lib Dems to unseat Jim.
Jim is a hugely popular and hard working local MP (he is my MP). Let’s hope his votes hold up – and increase – on 6th May. I would be flabbergasted if the worst happened here, I really can’t see it happening. If you are Tory, local and reading this, it’s all hands to the deck, and please do support Jim if you can. I intend to.

You have a great candidate.
Jean-Luc, yes, that’s very true.