Nick Hillman can congratulate himself on his outstanding success last night. He was only selected as the Cambridge Conservative parliamentary candidate just over four months ago, a seat where we came a poor third in the 2005 general election after Lib Dems sensationally snatched it from Labour. The result
then was 19,152 (44%) Lib Dems; 14,813 (34%) Lab; and 7,193 (16.5%) Cons. This is a seat which was once Conservative, and could be again if we put our minds to it.
Nick fought a determined campaign – and we all desperately wanted him to win, however much the odds were stacked against him. Although he didn’t have an outright win, in only a matter of weeks he ousted Labour and was runner-up, which is a tremendous victory in itself. The result last night was 19,621 (39.1%) Lib Dems; 12,829 (25.6%) Cons; and 12,174 (24.3%) Lab – a fantastic 7% swing to Conservatives from Lib Dems. Again, there was no Lib Dem surge here as a result of the media’s much hyped Cleggmania.
If Nick can achieve this fantastic result in such a short space of time, he stands a good chance of success here in the foreseeable future. Voters warmed to him, and they warmed to having a visible Conservative presence, which has not been strong enough in recent years in this wonderful university city. He lives in Cambridge with his pregnant wife Lara, and I hope he will consider taking on this challenge again. He knows what it involves, and that inquisitive Cambridge voters are keen to get to know their politicians, with candidates attending an exhausting 35 hustings during the campaign month, and at the end of their very long and tiring day. He needs an active association and grassroots supporters behind him, and then I’m optimistic that Cambridge could once again be blue.
It was pretty exhausting last night waiting for the result to be declared at 5am, which for some reason was two hours later than predicted; I have no idea why it took so long as I remember results being announced much earlier last time round. It was interesting to “meet” the anonymous candidate Old Holborn, who wafted around the counting hall in his mysterious black cloak and boots, his identify concealed by a Guy Fawkes mask. He managed to secure 145 votes.
However, I did feel sorry for Tony Juniper whose environmental work I admire very much, but he failed to attract large support, winning only 3,804 votes for the Green Party. They seemed to be doing pretty well with city council votes which will be announced later this afternoon.
How can politics not be riveting?
*Here is a link to a video I made of the election count, with some pics of Nick included at the end.

Sometimes I’m watching MPs and Westminster correspondents and I do envy them… it’s kind of like a club I only hear about from the outside.
People criticise Prime Minister’s Question Time for the baying mob it stirs up in the house… but surely it’s better to have that than a bland American or Euro-style system…
… And by the way what on earth happens now? A hung parliament. Tories with majority vote but Gordon Brown seemingly still PM. I heard he will not go unless shoved out… How does all this work? Please post something about that.
A good result. Wish we could have ousted Tom Watson in my Constituency.
I’m glad it went to the LibDems!
But you claimed two days ago that you were closer and the Lib Dems were “really worried”. The result says differently.
This is spin and you know it.
Oh, and your spin about North Norfolk a couple of weeks ago was badly wrong too !
Hi Nich, I’m allowed to express my opinion, just as you are. If you want to call it spin, that’s entirely up to you, but I believe this is a very tired cliche. I’m not into spin, I believe that facts always speak for themselves. I thought you was dropping by to congratulate us on our 10 extra seats in the Eastern Region 🙂
But Ellee, you spouted complete tripe about the Lib Dems in North Norfolk and I see, after your visit, Norman Lamb’s vote rose again.
Perhaps you could spend a bit more time in Lib Dem seats next time ?
Oh, and I thought you were going to congratulate us on Norwich South ?