Quote of the day:
On April 6th, the day that Gordon Brown called the election, Liam Byrne, wrote this email for his successor in the Treasury:
“Dear Chief Secretary, I’m afraid there is no money. Kind regards – and good luck! Liam.”
He might regard those tasteless words as a joke, but his crass sentiment sums up the arrogance of Labour and why the country faces £6 billion of spending cuts.

I thought that was a bit contemptuous too, Ellee.
Greetings from John Lennon airport, off for a week’s birdwatching in Austria (assuming that Vulcan doesn’t blow his top in the next couple of hours 😉
Just gives me another reason to continue in my unreserved contempt for virtually all politicians.
We need to remember people of this remark whenever cuts cause misery – bearing in mind that £6b this year is not nearly enough to start dealing with Labour’s legacy – or whenever Byrne tries to resurrect his tawdry little career.
Maalie, what a great idea, have a wonderful trip.
Ian, not all politicians are the same, and thankfully Conservatives can deal with this responsibly.
Frugal, too true.