Grassroot Tories from my association in South East Cambridgeshire are to meet our MP James Paice to discuss their concerns about the Lib Dem-Conservative coalition. Some Conservatives are still anxious about this new partnership (I expect Lib Dem supporters are too), and they will be meeting Jim, our Agriculture Minister, next Friday, 4 June to question him about it.

An email from our association chairman says: “There have been some issues raised by members regarding the Conservative coalition with the Liberal Democrats to form a government. I, and others within the Association, have been asked questions that we have done our best to answer, but it does concern me that there are members who feel frustrated that they are not being listened to, and that they did not vote for this situation.

“In response, I have asked Jim Paice to address a meeting where members can voice their concerns, or approval, for the coalition, and Jim will answer your questions.”

It’s true they didn’t vote for this coalition, but there’s no going back for the next five years. I’m sure they will be listened to by Jim, who will explain that we have entered a new political era, that we must see this through and that both parties must work together to get the economy back on its feet.

This issue is a huge challenge for party associations who are still expected to field candidates for local elections with Lib Dems and Conservatives in opposition, and for party members who retain strong political values and allegiances.

Jim doesn’t have a crystal ball, but I’m sure he will do his best to allay fears while at the same time being truthful.