I felt horror and revulsion when I read the story yesterday about the Iranian mother of two who faces stoning by death for alleged adultery. I add my strongest
protest to the international campaign led by outraged Western governments and human rights groups pleading for clemency.
The son of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, pleads her innocence. His mother has already spent five years in prison and received 99 lashes. The government of Iran should abolish should barbaric acts of punishment. It is totally inhumane and no religion would surely condone it. It’s brutal and horrendous and this woman has surely more than been punished enough.
Iran doesn’t appear to be interested in justice and the son’s desperate attempts to meet the country’s judiciary chiefs, and the 100 letters he has written to them, have all been ignored. While respecting that different countries have their own cultural beliefs, this is too heartbreaking and sickening for words and Iran should listen to world leaders who have voiced outrage. It will not be showing weakness by relenting, but strength of wisdom.

People with a 13th century mindset who are making 21st century atomic bombs and still think its perfectly within the rules and the Koran to stone women to death .They are disgusting in every rspect.
We should be going in there with Israel to finish this evil lot of now before they press the button.
How archaic is this? There is no justification and has no part of any society.
Iran will do what it wants while we pussyfoot around – right now, Israel is effectively the world’s policeman as it’s the only nation willing to give Iran the lesson it needs. Until then, why are we letting the sons of these ignorant pigs into our country?
It so happens that the EU has closed its airspace to most of Iran Air’s jets on safety grounds four days after the US imposed sanctions on Tehran over concerns about its nuclear plans. This makes it unlikely for them to heed our outrage at such an inhumane execution for this woman who is probably innocent anyway.
I think this is utterly disgusting.
Terrible. And as you say, she may still be executed. Barbaric.
We need to also remember that this barbaric act also takes place under the Taliban in Afghanistan , in Somalia , Sudan , Saudi Arabia and seemingly also in the United Arab Emirates , remember that little fact when or if you go to that particular fotball stadium in London .
Horrible it is… We are individuals of the same level and we don’t deserve such act… Let’s just hope and appeal it to stop it…