I am delighted to learn that Headway UK was one of 13 charities invited to meet David Cameron and key Cabinet members to discuss the transformation of public services. Charities play a vital role in delivering crucial services not met by government, such as Headway, which provides rehabilitation for adults with an acquired brain injury, and it is essential that these services continue, and they have to adapt to meet new government requirements.
It is certainly impressive that charities were invited for a round the table discussion with the Prime Minister and other high level figures, including Sir Gus O’Donnell, Cabinet Secretary; Danny Alexander, Chief Secretary to the Treasury; Oliver Letwin, Minister of State at the Cabinet Office; Frances Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General; Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society; and Greg Clark, Minister of State for Decentralisation.
During the meeting Peter McCabe, Headway’s CEO, explained that the concept of the Big Society was not new and that Headway was formed on this very principle more than 30 years ago. He voiced concerns that some of the Headway groups that were formed to provide a vital role in their local communities may not survive the funding cuts being imposed on them by their local authorities. The response from David Cameron was that it was not necessary for local authorities to cut funding to service providers, and that government needs to be made aware if councils are imposing disproportionate cuts to voluntary sector organisations rather than looking to make internal savings.
Peter also raised concerns about commissioning of services – particularly when GPs take control of commissioning. With pressures to save money from the health budget, Peter is concerned that GPs may not see the value in the services of community brain injury services or Headway services. Peter stated that commissioning of services must take into account benefits across departmental and geographical boundaries, as well as recognising the need for specialist services. The government team’s response was to state that it wants to find a way to ensure such services will continue to be commissioned, despite changes to the health service.
It was felt that this was an excellent opportunity to ensure the Prime Minister and his senior ministers were made aware of the impact government policies are already having and will continue to have at ground level. The fact that so many high-level government representatives – including the Prime Minister – were in attendance suggests the government is genuine in its desire to understand the impact of the cuts and keen to ensure that impact is not disproportionately absorbed by voluntary sector organisations. It certainly is positive to have a listening government.
*As chair of trustees for Headway Cambridgeshire, I am delighted to have persuaded a GP to join our board (my former GP!), Dr Pam Kenny, a highly regarded MAGPAS doctor too, and I am confident her knowledge and contacts will be invaluable in helping us with the uncertainties we face regarding GP commissioning. It makes it even more vital for charities to demonstrate positive outcomes and how they have made a huge difference to their users.

Perhaps Dave could take time out to visit those poor souls at Goldman Sachs. They are so strapped that they’ve decided to cut their charity donations by 38%.
A good meeting here. Very uiseful for both.
The problem is that along with the public sector the voluntary has grown like Topsy .
All the VS have staff they pay as well as the volunteers and as I found out in my ” work ” life there are often a number all doing similar indeed the same job , so where and how can they all get financial help from the tax system , they cant .
As for Andrew Lansleys move on the NHS , pure barking madness.
Its the hospital admin ( full to overflowing ) thats the problem , sort that out first .
As for GPs running the show , they should be doing what they are trained for , making people well not doing the paperwork ( remember what its now like in the police force who spend all their time filling in the paperwork not out fighting crime )
I popped into my GPs surgery to pick up my blood pressure pills yesterday , it was standing room only and can you get a doctor to call on you at home !and this lot will be considered fit to run the Health Service I dont think so.
Im afraid that this gov are turning out to be yet another left wing no idea what they are doing disaster , listening to Caroline ( dripping wet ) Spellman on last night Any Questions I found myself being more persuaded by her fellow guest on the show George Galloway , shows how bad it is !
If this continues then we will see the Tories take a real bashing in May , um perhaps something to look forward to after all.
Good luck