Julie Barnes talks passionately about our individual responsibility in supporting the adoption of genomic and molecular medicine and advanced IT for the assessment of disease risk, development of new ways to better diagnose many of the major debilitating illnesses affecting us today and the general management of our health.

Julie was speaking at a Ted X Granta event in Cambridge and is CEO of Abcodia Ltd and Co-founder of Somaxa Ltd. It is where we met and I was so impressed that I asked if I could assist with PR, which I have been doing for the last two months.

If you are interested in DNA sequencing, do play the video at around 15 minutes and listen to Julie outlining her vision of how one day – and not too far away – our GPs could have our DNA sequence records stored on their electronic healthcare records, along with our disease risk profiles, and that we could share this information with our families, and leave it to our children so they are aware of their full parental medical background.