I am delighted to announce that Prof John Pickard has agreed to become our patron at Headway Cambridgeshire. The idea of approaching him occurred to me after he spoke at a national Headway conference this summer.
Prof Pickard is regarded as one of the best in his field in the UK. He is Professor of Neurosurgery in the Department of Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge and his research interests include advancing the care of patients with acute brain injury from trauma, coma and stroke. He is also clinical director of the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre at Addenbrooke’s.
We are also very fortunate to have John Hayes, Minister of State for Further Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning, as our patron too. John is a very good supporter and fundraiser for our charity and suffered a brain injury as a young man. In 2008 he was won a national charity champion award for his charity work for us.
Thank you both so much, your patronage means a great deal to our charity.
*We are currently seeking a medic to join our board of trustees to help promote our services in Cambridgeshire with GPs. Please contact me as chair of trustees if you would like further information about this, and do pass the word around.
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