Channel 4 and Cancer Research UK have joined forces to launch its excellent Stand Up To Cancer campaign in the UK to accelerate new cures through scientific research.

Successfully curing cancer depends very much on how early the cancer is diagnosed. Discovering new biomarkers for cancer screening is vital to enable this. Abcodia,with its unique access to 5 million serum samples at a biobank – some of them pre-diagnosis – can facilitate this kind of valuable research on a global level.

Abcodia totally endorse the succinct statement made recently by Mark McGurk, (pic) Professor of Maxilla-Facial Surgery & Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon, King’s College London and Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospital, about the need for cancer biomarkers for screening:

“Curing cancer is the holy grail and will take time.  But early cancer can be cured in a high percentage of cases.  So you do not have to improve current treatment to improve results as long as cases can be treated early.  The key is to use biomarkers to screen the public.  The key is screening.  Current approaches are expensive and flawed.”

If you are interested in learning about Abcodia’s work in developing cancer screening, please read the following links:

Lung cancer

Pancreatic cancer

Breast cancer

Colorectal cancer

Curing cancer by helping create early biomarkers to improve diagnosis cannot be done alone, but by collaborating with others who share the same passion, vision and desire to make a real difference and save countless lives.