I’ve had an exhausting day extolling the benefits of blogging to the cream of East Anglia’s businesswomen.
Everywoman staged a motivational conference in Peterborough and everyone ended up buzzing with enthusiasm, particularly following the dynamic and energetic presentation on leadership by Dallas McDonald, who had many of us joining her on the stage, including me, imparting various career tales. Do men do this too, I wonder?
It could end up being very productive day for me (fingers crossed). I was the only PR blogger there (surprise, surprise!) and what business doesn’t want their Google juice to flourish this way.
I have two great leads to follow as well, including one that involves a £1 million national marketing contract which incorporates blogging – perhaps moi! And also a woman who wants PR to promote a new business organising gay weddings. How about that for a challenge?
I also met an interesting woman, Sandy Hristov, (pictured) who can set you up with a pretty smart 2-bed apartment built from scratch to your own specification in Bulgaria for £35,000. The former deputy head reckons it is an unspoilt country with a rich culture and beautiful countryside. She can even tell you why the people there nod their heads in a different way to the rest of us; something to do with how they replied to the Turks so they did not get their heads chopped off!
I went along with my client Liza from Tempting Fate whose business is going from strength to strength. No need to be a singleton when there is Liza to find your dream partner – if you live in Cambridgeshire. And what with politics too, you certainly could never say my life was dull.
P.S. Just had my PR friend Simon drop by my house and I asked him if men had all these networking opportunities. He said not. Now isn’t that discimmination?
I too spent a great day at the Everywoman Conference in Peterborough yesterday with you Ellee. Even though I’ve heard some of the ideas and thoughts before – it really did encourage me to be re-motivated to carry out even more plans and ideas I have for Tempting Fate. Great to be with really inspiring and dedicated business women.
Sounds fascinating stuff. I always find i learn at least one thing at our business women networks :o)
I do enjoy your blog, with so much local interest. You might like my piece on Gay Weddings
Kind regards
Audrey Wylfing
Audrey, Thank you for visiting my site, especially as you are local. I enjoyed reading your post about gay weddnings in March, quite a revelation, and your warning about the Ramsey Forty Foot. I couldn’t open your link, but I found it here: