Can Gordon be a leader designate this summer?
How can an incompetent sleaze ball like John Prescott be allowed to run the country this summer while Tony Blair enjoys his family break? I shudder at the thought.

OK, so we know he won’t be playing croquet at Chequers, but nobody has confidence in him and these are not ordinary times are are living in; these are extraordinary times of international conflict which could escalate in an unpredictable way over the next few weeks.

Inflamed terrorists could easily regard the UK as a sitting duck under the leadership of a limp and widely derided Deputy Prime Minister. There have been repeated recent reminders too about how Tony Blair has lost his grip.

William Rees-Mogg describes today just what worrying times we are living in: there are now four wars in the Middle East.

“The most disturbing aspect of the international crisis is that the global initiative has largely passed to the terrorists. There are now four wars in the Middle East. In Iraq, the Sunni insurgents and militant Shia frustrated the reconstruction of the country. In Afghanistan, the Taleban can choose when and where to attack British forces. Our forces are brave and professional, but overstretched and under-resourced.

“In Palestine, Hamas, a terrorist party committed to the destruction of Israel, won the elections; terrorists connected to Hamas began the latest fighting in Gaza by kidnapping an Israeli soldier. In Lebanon, another terrorist organisation, Hezbollah, reignited another war front by kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and by a series of rocket attacks on Israel. Israel has attacked Lebanon savagely in reply.”

He firmly believes it is time for Blair to step down and that Gordon Brown should become leader, though Blair adamantly denies he plans to relinquish his post.

So I wonder, is there any reason why Brown cannot become leader designate during the the summer recess instead of Prezza, who would be way out of his depth in dealing with the spiralling conflict in the Middle East. These are exceptional and extraordinary times and Blair needs to act accordingly. Giving the helm to Brown instead makes good sense to me. I would certainly feel safer to start with.