I’m packing my bags and heading off to North Norfolk for a long week of R & R. Burnham Market, dubbed Chelsea-on-Sea, will be positively heaving tonight for its jazz festival with international stars Ian Shaw and Claire Martin.
I’m thrilled to be seeing Ian again, I saw him perform in Cambridge a year ago and he is fabulous, I have one of his cds, so I know Liza and I are in for a great treat, and she tells me tickets are like golddust. As the village is also a magnet for celebs, there could be a few surprises in store. I shall have my camera with me, just in case.
I have spent the last 10 summers in Burnham Market with my family. I love giving giving them a traditional English seaside holiday. We avidly study the tide tables to prepare ourselves for crabbing, alongside children called Clementine, Pandora and Hugo – I kid you not – all dear little things whose mummies and daddies look permenantly wiped out from the exertion of having to manage childcare themselves.
And I love the Lord Nelson connection; he was born in Burnham Thorpe and is a hero of mine. I enjoy cycling to the pub for a BBQ and glass of Nelson’s blood, a secret, scrummy brew.
The Hoste Arms is always great for people watching. They are staging the jazz concert tonight and proceeds will go to Peace Direct, which needs all the support it can get right now.
Good news for my family, I will not have my laptop with me, I’m lucky if I can get a signal on my mobile. Ciao.
Have a great break, Ellee!
have fun. I shall be at the car show tomorrow
showing a good bit of cleavage there Mrs Seymour!
Have a super time, take lots of photos, and quaff a few for me!
Burnham Market’s a great place. Was up there for my father-in-law’s 70th birthday weekend last year which we held in a rented mansion in nearby Stanhoe. Remember getting some particularly amazing scallops from a fish shop in the town.
Enjoy your break. (Clementine??? Pandora??? Hugo???)
Jennyta, some of the names we came across during this visit include a Scottish lad called Moses, B.P. (which James thinks stands for something very posh) as well as the more modern Orlando and Joss.
Iain, what a prude! I am simply wearing a very demure suntop which happens to display, um, what nature gave me.