David__s_prom_011.jpgSweet 16 today, that is my son David, pictured here with his prom date Laura, who he insists are “just good friends”.

He had one birthday wish, he desperately wanted a Samsung D600 mobile phone and after trawling a dozen stores, we discovered that Carphone Warehouse offered the best price.

Only they had sold out at their three Cambridge shops, but one of their helpful assistants said they could deliver it by courier the next day at no extra charge if we placed an order. He insisted that it would arrive within 24 hours.

We placed our faith in him and ordered the phone at 3.30pm yesterday – and true to his word, it arrived on our doorstep by courier this morning at 11.45am. No extra charge either. And at the best price too which other stores refused to match.
So many thanks to CW. David is a very happy chappy. I am happy because he is happy. He is very easy going and is enjoying playing with his new toy.

I also bought him Richard Branson’s autobiography to inspire him when he starts his business studies diploma in Septmeber, part of his A’level course.
I wish I had experienced this kind of excellent service when I tried to

buy a new memory card for my camera recently.

Antony, it’s true that the years fly by, it won’t be long before your little one is getting ready for her prom.