Greenpeace could have something here, nuclear power stations built along the coast in East Anglia are at risk of being flooded if sea levels rise as predicted. These are the findings of a study by the Flood Hazard Research Centre at Middlesex University and concludes that the cost of defending the sites from significant sea level rises and storm surges would make them “economically unsustainable”.

Although only four sites were studied for the report, all our nuclear power stations are built around the coast because of the need for an isolated position and a plentiful supply of cooling water. Ultimately, it means they could all be at risk of flooding.

And this is the second report this year to warn of a nuclear flood risk, with the Met Office predicting that North Sea surge levels at Sizewell could rise by 1.7 metres by the end of the century.

So where does this leave the government’s future plans for nuclear power? How seriously will it heed these warnings? Has it commissioned its own study to investigate this threat, especially as scientists have also warned of rising sea levels caused by global warming?