
Step out of your comfort zone this evening and see Cambridge through the eyes of Stuart Shorter, a homeless drug addict.

Stuart:A Life Backwards is compelling viewing, it traces his life backwards (his own suggestion), and author Alexander Masters had no idea what horrors would be revealed.

This gives you a rough idea:

According to his mother, Stuart was a happy-go-lucky little boy, chatty, curious and determined. Life seemed quite good, if poor, in a Cambridgeshire village with his brother Gavvy, a married mother, a good stepfather and two tiny step-siblings. But biology gave him a violent alcoholic for a father, long gone, and a form of muscular dystrophy that made him walk in a funny way. It would give him life-long pain and a serious heart disease.

Horribly bullied about his “spaggy” walk, Stuart was suddenly and for no apparent good reason sent on a daily “spaggy bus”to a school for children with severe disabilities. Bullied wherever he went, he was repeatedly sodomised for years by his older brother Gavvy and another boy, as was his little sister.

At one time Stuart begged his mother, with violence, to be taken into care and he was. Gavvy later killed himself out of remorse, not long before Stuart met his biographer. At the special school he was buggered and abused by the charismatic head teacher, who was later jailed. Quite enough — although there was a great deal more — to explain Stuart’s mystery.

Playing some preview clips, I was reminded of the jailing of Ruth Wyner, a bespectacled director of Wintercomfort, Cambridge for allowing drug peddling at a homeless drug centre she ran, along with John Brock. In the film, Stuart becomes involved in a campaign to offer them support.

I previously wrote about the filming of this in Cambridge, how the homeless were used as extras and paid less than the going rate. The city is never short of these down and outs, I saw them yesterday, but I’m never sure how to react. Would giving them money just further fuel their addictions, would they prefer food instead? A sandwich? Maybe not. I remember one homeless man being found murdered in public toilets in Ca,bridge several years ago, it was never solved. The unpleasant details were confided to me by police; not too different to what had happened to Stuart.

How do the Stuarts of this world pick themselves up from the gutter and start afresh? As adults, are they too damaged by then, beyond repair?