You may have noticed that a side panel with my Toastmasters speeches has vanished. That is because I am no longer preparing them in the same way. And they had been there a while anyway and were pretty old.

I useSee full size imaged to write my speeches in full and learn them almost word for word. But that is not what public speaking is about.  My personal challenge is to present a confident speech by learning it from a few words written on a card as a prompt. That is what I am doing now in preparation for next Tuesday when I go to Cambridge Speakers’ Club. I am going to speak about a holiday I once had where I met lots of interesting people. All I need to do is remind myself of some of the facts, so it isn’t a difficult topic.

The delivery of Dan Hannan’s powerful speech – which has had more than 2 million hits on YouTube – demonstrated the amazing impact a confident speech can have. It is a skill I would love to excel at. And I know it takes practice, and then more practice.

I think I need to work on improving my eye contact. I concentrate so much on remembering what I have to say that I forget about everything else that is important, such body language, the pauses – and smiling!

Wish me luck.