Here is a video I made of the Shadow Minister for Europe Mark Francois talking about The Sun’s support for the Conservative Party for the first time in 12 years for tomorrow’s Euro Election. In the past, this kind of endorsement has been priceless for political parties, and we are hoping for the same tomorrow.

Mark met up with our MEPs Geoffrey Van Orden and Robert Sturdy in Ipswich earlier this week, along with candidates Vicky Ford, John Flack and Jonathan Morgan who were campaigning in the town’s centre.

Every minute is now precious and our candidates are working their socks off to speak to as many people as possible.  Although it is likely Conservatives will lose votes, I don’t think we will do as badly as the Labour candidate Richard Howitt. The big question is, who will the 93,000 people who voted in the Eastern Region for Independent candidate Martin Bell in 2004 support this time round? I agree with the eduride Graham Dines, Political Editor for the East Anglian Daily Times, who believes their decision is crucial, and could even see the unmentionable happening….

*I have spent the morning with Robert and candidates John and Clare Whelan in Peteborough and am now heading off to Bedfordshire.