I recorded this video yesterday of Theresa May, Shadow Minister for Women, outlining Conservative support for more parliamentary women candidates. Let’s hope they are selected in winnable seats.
Theresa May and Conservative women candidates
by Ellee Seymour | Jan 14, 2010 | 2010 general election, Politics | 10 comments

We should be far ahead in the polls by now, more than we are. I suspect its this sort of thing holding us back.
I think taxpayers and pensioners of England want to hear about talent, proven capability (outside politics preferably ) and vision from their Conservative candidates.
We should be waging a ruthless war to persuade such people to be Conservative candidates, not worrying about their gender or other arbitrary categorisations.
That’s not to say I’m against making sure the selection procedures aren’t biased and inefficient, just that the aim should be effective MPs, not token representatives.
I have to largely agree with ‘Man in a Shed’;
* The Conservative Party should be far ahead in the polls by now, more than they are.
* Taxpayers and pensioners of England want to hear about talent, proven capability (outside politics preferably ) and vision from their Conservative candidates.
* It’s policies that matter (and policies we can trust to be put into effect) not gender or other arbitrary categorisations, including age.
* I too am for overhauling the selection procedures and making them efficient and unbiased.
PS: I suspect its the emphasis on Theresa May’s bloody shoes that is holding her message back. And pandering to it doesn’t do the plight of women generally much good, Ms May.
Is Micheal Gove judged on his shoes?
Not a fan of her new hair colour – are you? She’s beginning to look like Ann Widdecombe.
Man in a Shed and Philipa, me too.
Philipa, fyi, I couldn’t help but notice that Theresa wore black suede loafers with a decorative silver buckle, and Michael wore slip on brown suede shoes. He has quite small feet.
WW, Yes, I did like the colour of Theresa’s hair, I thought it was very flattering. And you have a very vivid imagination!
Micheal Gove has small feet?
Im beginning to think your on a wind up with this dead cat story Ellee .
As for St Theresa , utter bl—y lightweight , should be one of the first ones that Cameron should turf out IF he ever gets to power .
On that theme have you read the latest copy of the Spectator ?
Front page headline ” Whats the big idea Dave ? ”
Inside withering article against the Boy Dave and the Tory party by David Selbourne ” Theres little confort to be found on Cameron’s woolly centre ground ”
Quote ” At a time when many of Britians institutions have been debauched by Labours period in office , when the nation has largely lost its sense of moral and political dicection , and when citizenship of an increasingly identity-less country signifies less than any time in its history , the feebleness of the Tory response is astounding ”
And all you and kitten heels can go on about ( that is supposed to save us all ) is the damned wimmin issue.
I despair.
I recommend you all to read this article in full , it should worry us all.
Disaffected, there is absolutely no way Theresa May can be called “lightweight” after holding several Shadow Minister posts. That’s totally untrue:
It’s not Theresa who refers to her shoes, but others. She must be fed up with it, but grins and bears it.
Re the Spectator, politicians are always criticised for their actions, you are damned if you do something and damned if you don’t, it goes with the territory. Each is entitled to his own view.
Good grief Ellee what is it your on to consider that ” having been in a number of shadow cabinet posts ” kitten May is top drawer material .
Shes been hopeless in all of them thats why shes been kept on the move .
The only thing that any one remembers about her is a Philipa said ” those bloody shoes ”
This woman is not a Norman Tebbit or a Willie Whitelaw nor even my own favourite David Davis .
You do need to remember that you are doing a political blog that should be prepared to see and point out the problems within the party you support .
Id love to see a true Tory party back in power and getting all the ills of this sad and unhappy land back to how it should be .
Ive know a time when we knew what our gov stood for and it made us feel proud again to be British , this was under Margaret Thatcher .
She would never have tolerated the drippy likes of Theresa May in her cabinet.
Hi Elly!
Did I hear there is a by-election today somewhere?