What’s he like to live with? What are his annoying habits? Does he wear Y-fronts or boxers? Can he really be trusted to run the country? What makes him cry?
These are some questions which the wives of our political leaders might have to answer soon. With both David Cameron and Gordon Brown both desperately needing to convince undecided voters that their party should run the country, it’s time for their wives to come out and describe what their man is really like in a bid to woo the waverers – particularly the Mumsnet women whose support is vital.
Both Samantha Cameron and Sarah Brown are very intelligent, confident, personable women who will show us the country’s two top party leaders in a different light; as human beings and not just as a politician, but as their husband, the father of their children and their soul mate.
Will Sam Cam’s first television appearance with Sir Trevor McDonald this Sunday make a difference to the public when she talks about her 14-year marriage, stating: “I can honestly say I don’t think in all that time he has ever let me down.â€
Sarah Brown has a phenomenal 1,118,255 followers on Twitter and, it has to be said, comes across as a decent person; she is undoubtedly Gordon Brown’s best asset.
With so much interest focused on the influence of the internet for the general election, could it be that it is these two wives who hold the key to helping secure victory?
Both these women love their men. Can they persuade you to X them too?
I’m so glad you highlighted this, Ellee as it seems to be the topic of the moment on Twitter (gives Ashcroft a rest, I thought they were going to wear his name out). I’m a woman, I’m a mum and I’m on the net, and I couldn’t care less what Sarah and Sam wear and what they say about their husbands to be honest. I’m interested in what their husbands do, what they say, the other cabinet members and what the parties policies are. I’m uncomfortable about this growing trend towards celebrity politics. And I’m uncomfortable about the ‘presidential’ style politics, not just with MSM coverage but more with the NuLab effect on our laws and democracy.
This is all wrong! I agree with Philipa.. I just want someone voted in who can get the job done.. someone who can get this country back on track.
I don’t think it’s wrong at all because as with any husband, his job has a great impact on the life of his family and it’s good to hear from his spouse, to hear her views, and her personal insights about the man who could run our country. I’m sure it won’t all be fluff, these women are not of that ilk, that’s the fault of the media.
And yes, the electorate is intelligent and knows how to decide on which policies it prefers. This is just an extra political dimension, and I’m looking forward to hearing more from Sam and Sarah.
The focus should be on policy. Why take the SamCam risk?
I’m more interested in their policy, but that said – the way a man acts at home, how he interacts with his family says a lot about how that man will act in any given situation. How has he handled adversity in his personal life? That too gives us insight. I’m not saying a bad family man can’t be a good politician (Henry VIII anyone?) but I prefer a man of character.
I’d rather vote for them than their husbands!