The message is clear in Cromer – voters can choose between Conservative parliamentary candidate Trevor Ivory or Gordon Brown.

Trevor puts it even better: “Vote Ivory, go blue. Vote Lamb, go Brown.”

My MEP Robert Sturdy joined Trevor today to support his election campaign in North Norfolk, visiting a local business and farm, and later hosting a meeting for farmers.

It’s hard to know why this rural coastal constituency is not Tory. As I headed towards Cromer through its winding Norfolk country lanes boasting stunnings spring display of daffodils and primroses, I smiled as I passed through what I call in my mind “Liz Truss country” – or what I hope will be.

“South West Norfolk will be in safe hands,” I told myself, I have no doubt about that.

The same could be said for Trevor, who saved all his annual leave to campaign full time for this election; I never fail to be impressed by the sacrifices our candidates make to get into parliament.

He recounted an amusing incident which had taken place a few moments earlier on Cromer Market Place where both he and local Lib Dem MP Norman Lamb were doing a walkaround and talking to shoppers.

One local man pointed to Lamb saying: “I voted for you last time, but I won’t be voting for you again. You are all mouth and no trousers.”

He then pointed to Trevor and said he would be supporting him, and voiced his concerns about the local NHS.

It looks like other people there have the same idea too. As I drove from Holt to Cromer, I counted at least a dozen banners supporting Trevor, but not one Lib Dem or Labour poster.

I will be publishing a video about this visit tomorrow.