If Diane Abbott can score an own goal and win the support of Labour leadership rival David Miliband who also persuaded a string of his backers to the same, will this heaven sent endorsement influence trade unions and other Labour supporters to do the same? It certainly was bizarre in this once in a lifetime contest, even if it was intended to undermine his rivals. It could spectacularly backfire against him.
Diane Abbott also has the support of acting Labour Pary leader Harriet Harman who nominated her, and I believe she will engage a far wider audience and enliven the contest. What she has to prove is that she is not a token black woman standing against men in suits, that she has the qualities needed, and that she knows and cares about the views of their supporters – and the country – who are suffering in today’s economic decline.
Could she be the change the Labour Party needs to revive itself? Didn’t the other contenders have their chance to make their mark while in government and fail to grasp that moment, especially as they refused to challenge Gordon Brown’s leadership at a time when it was clear to everyone else that he was hugely unpopular and they were sinking fast?

I’m definitely supporting Diane Abbott. Definitely.
Are you listening to Vanessa Feltz’s phone in on BBC London Radio? At one point she had to put out a call for please one person to phone in supporting her! Constituents in Hackney North say she only ever appears locally when a photo-opp is to be had. It has also been said several times that she cannot hold her own on that Andrew Marr tellyprog she’s on week after week (I wouldn’t know about that; I think she does OK). All I can say is if I were an MP I would kill as many birds with a single stone as I could too (ie make a photo opportunity out of nearly everything ~ why not?) And personally I’d like to see her win. The national papers (but not the bookies; I don’t know the bookies’ odds) are giving chances of 33 and 40 to one of her success. But I’d quite like to see her succeed. People have been saying she’s no Obama.
Yes: and Obama is no Diane Abbott! I don’t particularly rate Obama’s statesmanship, or his ability to speak unscripted.
I think Ms Abbott could send fresh air blasting through Labour’s fusty corridors. And I think she’d bring an interesting style to what is in the current climate a very challenging job.
Pip, you and many others…
Gledwood, thanks for your comment. We will find out much more about Diane Abbott’s style in the next few weeks, and whether she has what it takes, and can persuade Labour voters that she is the best man – or woman – for the job!
I hope Abbott wins, because she’s the only person who could do a worse job of leading Labour than Gordon Brown and Harriet Harman. Unfortunately, though, the only reason she’s on the platform is because she’s a woman: this sort of diversity ridden madness is a bodyblow to the cause of increasing the amount of women in Parliament.
At least shes not as wooden looking as the blokes on the photo especially the Little Millipede brothers who look robotic !
Shame shes not very bright .
As for Obama, as suspected , all mouth and trousers and clearly full of socialist anti British retoric , who ever could have thought it a good idea to vote for this man !
Yeah that’s what I like about her, she’s refreshingly un-wooden.
The simpering manhating Harriet Harman gets on my wick beyond words … including the 4-lettered variety.
What does annoy me about Diane Abbott is her habit of harping on about how the rich should pay more taxes. Rich people already pay far more than 50% of their gross income in tax.
The only way I am ever going to strike it rich, apart from winning the lottery, is if my book is a runaway success, and that money will likely be the only big money I ever made. I don’t stand a hope in hell of ever getting a job paying over £250,000 pa ~ so why should I pay more than TWO THIRDS of my artistic income in tax, VAT and agents’ fees? It’s so unfair.
I’m never ever going to be able to get a mortgage so writing a bestseller is my only chance of owning a house and now this woman wants to stop me, the silly cow!
I think this is excellent news and I hope she gives them a run for their money! Personally I wish Harman would enter the contest.
This is a particularly unoutstanding group, with the exception of Diane Abbott.
Hmm, Milliband may well be worried, im worries, still shocked that women with only 12 semi-real votes actually managed to get on the ballet, it was not fair in any way shape or form, the vote was kept open an extra 10 minutes so that she could get the 33 needed. Pathetic really i think, all for the sake of ‘equality’. wasn’t very equal on the other contenders.