This year is the first time that my husband and I will not be joined by our two teenage sons on holiday – our eldest will be with his girlfriend’s family in Majorca and our youngest prefers to work hard at his summer job to save for a car having just passed his driving test. However, we will not be alone as pa-in-law will be joining us. It will
be his first holiday without Vera, the land army girl he married, but sadly died last year.
I don’t find the thought of luggage restrictions and airport queues relaxing, and my husband has long wanted to visit Portmeirion where The Prisoner was filmed, so we have booked to stay in an unpronounceable area in Wales near Caernarfon Bay. We used Trip Advisor and would have made some howling errors if we had not heeded the advice of others who posted warnings about their Basil Fawlty experiences and huge disappointments, despite the fabulous photos and description posted by hotels.
Pa-in-law was grumpy about the prospect of having to pay a single room surcharge, but we negotiated a good deal with the hotel – and my husband and I even have a four poster bed to look forward to – and stunning sea views – as that was the last double room available.
Unfortunately, we have to wait a while yet as we will not be packing our bags until the end of August. What are your holiday plans this summer?

As the old mans family are from North Wales ( his grandad was a slate splitter at the huge slate quarry in Snowdonia ) we often venture back to his roots .
If you are going to Portmerion dont miss also going to the home of its creator Clough Williams – Ellis at Plas Brondanw .
The gardens are open and superb and its only a few miles away from the village he designed and built .
It was all part of his familys estate around the 1900s .
The full address is
Plas Brondanw ,
Gwynedd .
It only cost £3 to get in and tel number is 01766 770000
Look it up on the internet for all the history and photos.
We are going to Aldeburgh in about 6 weeks time , cant wait to get away from you know where !
Gwyliau hapus Ellee!
A holiday with out the kids…. how wonderful 🙂 sure you will enjoy …BTW how did the balloon flight go 🙂
disaffected, thanks for the recommendation, I certainly will make that visit. As I write this, my husband is watching one of his Prisoner cds from his boxed collection.
I know you will enjoy Aldeburgh, though my heart goes out to the impoverished fishermen struggling to make ends meet with strangulated fishing quotas.
Maalie, I’m impressed!
Sally, no, I shall miss my boys 🙁
The balloon trip was rescheduled to Monday at the last minute due to poor weather.
Give my love to Wales when you do go. Single room surcharges are a great injustice.
I love that part of Wales, I am sure you will have a great time there 🙂
My interest at first was to do with an old TV series called the prisoner staring Patrick McGoohan as the ultimate warrior against the establishment and later why Mr Ellis would choose such a place to build his dream of blending structures in with nature.
The welsh call it frozen mouth and yet Mr Ellis after going to various places in the world built the village there?. The village in port merion surrounded by seventy acres of woodland has me in awe of Mr Ellis ability to see nature and blend his dream in to the mix, things grow in and around the village that only grow in the amazon or rain forest and i have hand fed wild birds there. I stayed at the hotel that used to be the old peoples home in the series overlooking the stone boat as this was a holiday of a life time for me no expense was spared and it was worth every penny.
Welshcakes, I will certainly do that for you.
Cherry Pie, thanks, I think so too. In fact, I know so 🙂
Keith, it sounds wonderful, I love woodlands and wildflife too. I’ll try and pop into the hotel for afternoon tea at least.
Bonnes vacances!
I’m so jealous Ellee, I really love Wales, and you’re going at a perfect time of year.
I’m sure David will miss being on holiday with you and Stephen, but I will take good care of him for you 🙂
PS – looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Fee, Only two weeks to go. It would be lovely to have you as our guide. I know David is in good hands with you. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday too. 🙂