Sad news to report

One of Headway’s members brushes up on his artistic skills One of the tragic spin-offs caused by my local debt ridden Primary Care Trusts is the dreadful news that a vital centre which cares for brain injured adults is being forced to quit as they plan to sell...

Now let’s see compassion for neglected animals

Suzy, with the gorgeous Lulu Please report cases like this The compassionate line continues today – but with a focus on animals, particularly those which are neglected and treated cruelly, not just in the UK, but worldwide. Spearheading this project is...

Can you love a hoodie?

A sinister looking hoodie, courtesey of Ian Clowes First of all, exactly what is a hoodie? This definition by Oxford University Press says they are worn by everyone from Paris Hilton to Naomi Campbell. Why I even have one. But now they have come to represent much...

Is Labourhome still asleep?

Labourhome having a Sunday morning lie in It’s 10.30am on a Sunday morning. It’s been another terrible day for Labour with newspaper headlines naming David Miliband as Prezza’s heir apparent (their best idea for a long time). The “media...
Let me introduce you to Janice Small

Let me introduce you to Janice Small

Janice is hoping for a Kent seat I have given Janice a guest spot on my blog today. We met during last year’s general election campaign when she was also a regional press officer. Now she is hoping to contest a seat as a Conservative candidate in the next...